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Join us at the Portola Valley Town Picnic, Saturday June 3

picnic 2015Saturday, June 3, at the Portola Valley Town Picnic held at the Town Center from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Our troop is the only concession booth to provide lunch for the picnic.  It is a lot of fun to participate and for the new families, a great way to get to know the other scouts and their families.

There will be activities such as Jumpies, Carnival, Balloon Man and Games for the kids, a Music Band, Girl Scout Cake Walk, Sno Cones, Popcorn and Cotton Candy. The weather will be perfect…it’s your chance to lose yourself in Scout cuisine. We’ll have something for every palate: Draeger’s Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Turkey Burgers, Veggie Burgers and Hot Dogs. This is our annual fundraiser, so please come out and support our scouts.

Volunteers and scouts: sign up here to help.



Memorial Day Flag Decoration, May 27

Please let us know if you would like to join the Troop for flag planting at the Golden Gate National Cemetery on Saturday morning, May 27. Check-in begins 7:15am, Ceremony 8:30-9am, 9am Flags planting begins.  This is a great and moving tradition to honor our Veterans on Memorial Day weekend by helping Scouts from the Bay Area place an American flag at each of the 145,000 graves.

Information on the Cemetery

We will register the troop and hope you can attend. This counts towards service hours. Please the Calendar page for details and to sign up.

Trail to 1st Class – May 12-14 at Boulder Creek

The Trail to 1st Class camping trip has been moved to Boulder Creek in the Santa Cruz Mountains on the weekend of May 12-14.   May 14 is Mother’s Day and Boulder Creek is close by and you will be back in plenty of time to celebrate with your Mom after giving her the morning off.

A sign up sheet will be sent through Teamsnap or you can go to the signup link on the Calendar page.

The original campsites at Portola Redwood State Park are closed until after June because of high water issues with the septic systems.    Boulder Creek is a private campground for Scouts with great facilities and opportunities for hiking. It will be an ideal and fun place to complete achievements towards your next rank. Please plan on attending. It is chance for older and higher ranking scouts to help give back to the Troop by helping their newer Troop members gain achievements. Updated information on the trip will be posted soon so please check back for updates. 

Camping at Big Basin Redwoods, March 31-April 2

IMG_4038 (1).jpgWe are planning a campout at Big Basin Redwoods State Park (21600 Big Basin Way, Boulder Creek, CA 95006).  There will be opportunities for Scouts to earn achievements and it is great introduction to camping for new Scouts in a wonderful setting. We will plan a hike, cooking and fun. 

Big Basin Redwoods State Park is beautiful in April. We will be staying at the Blooms Creek Campground, situated among the largest continuous stand of ancient coastal redwood trees, some of the oldest and largest trees on the planet. Big Basin Redwoods State Park covers more than 18,000 acres, and has more than 80 miles of hiking trails. (more…)

Conservation Service Project: Annual Broom Pull, Sunday, March 5

french_broomCome spend a morning with Troop 64 pulling invasive French Broom along Portola Valley Roads. Meet at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, March 5 at the Historic Schoolhouse, Portola Valley Town Center, 765 Portola Road. Wear long sleeves and gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided.  Scouts can earn 3 conservation service hours for their efforts helping keep this invasive plant out of their community.

Overnight Backpacking in Pt. Reyes national Seashore, Dec 17-18.


bprtt3Troop 64 is  planning an overnight backpacking trip in beautiful Point Reyes National Seashore. The troop has reserved group site 002AB Wildcat Loop  for Saturday noon to Sunday at noon. More information will be posted later on the Calendar and sent through Teamsnap.

The site holds up to 25 people.  So please go to the sign-up sheet to hold a spot.

Advancement Opportunities: Second Class, First Class, and Cooking MB and Camping MB meal planning and cooking; camping nights; backpacking requirement for Camping MB.  Encouraging older scouts to help our new scouts with their achievements.

Troop 64 Christmas Tree Sales

christmas-tree-clip-art-christmas-tree-clip-art-2-png-usrgoy-clipartIt is our troops annual tradition to help the Kiwanas during their Christmas tree fundraiser.  You can sign up to work at the Kiwanis lot by going to the link below and committing to as many time slots as you like. Tree sales are a fun way to get service hours helping people select and take home their Christmas tree. The lot is located in the Stanford University football stadium parking lot. We also need parent volunteers as well for each time slot. Please  sign up for as many time slots as you can.  We will be selling every weekend though December 18.  Also stop by to get your tree and help out the fund raiser. Go to the Calendar page for more information and to sign up. 

Sign up at 

Troop 64 / Webelos Hike

toyon-trail-portola-valley-016Troop 64 will have a hike with the Webelos this Sunday, Nov 6 at 9:15am. (Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK one hour Saturday night). 

We will hike the Toyon Trail, which is part of the PV Town Trail system. The trailhead is located at the corner of Alpine and Willowbrook Road. Parking is available but limited. We will plan on returning to trailhead by 11:45am. 

It should be a nice cool day and bring a water bottle if you like.  More information about the hike can be found at Toyon Hike  and our Calendar page. 

Shooting Sports Camp, October 21-22

img_6161Troop 64 is going to shooting camp near the Russian River in Guerneville at BSA Camp Royaneh.

Activity and Scout skills available: Camping night, camp set up, Cooking meals (meals are provided, but we can cook as Scouts if needed for rank advancement), Those camping need to cook Friday Dinner, and Sat Breakfast.    Lunch provided by BSA Camp.

Boy Scouts will have the opportunity to shoot Archery, Rifle and Shotgun throughout the day on their own schedule. See the Calendar on this site for more details and to sign up. Space is limited.

Yosemite Camping at Wowona and Ostrander Lake Oct 7-9

Ostrander Lake

Ostrander Lake

This year we will be car camping at the Wowona Group Campsite near Yosemite’s south entrance near highway 41 from Fresno on Friday night, October 7. Saturday we will hike around 7 miles up toward Ostrander Lake and set up our camp near there. Sunday morning  we will hike out in a different direction from where we came, back to the Wawona Campsite. We will then drive back up to the Bridal Veil trail head to pick up our cars.

Some people claim Ostrander Lake was named for a sheepman (a demonic half sheep/half man creature from the abyss, others say it was named after a descendant of Alexander Ostrander (1783) of Smithfield NY. It is a very popular backpacking stop in the Park. Fishing is fair for 10-12″ rainbow trout.  For details go to the Calendar page for this event.

Welcome back to all Scouts and Parents – September 15

Welcome back to all Scouts and Parents!




We are excited to kick off this scouting year with a new format that allows everyone to participate in activities, duties and outings.
We need all parents to support the pack!

All scouts and at least one parent are welcome, and expected to attend, our first meeting on Thursday, September 8th, 2016 at 7:15pm at the Portola Valley Town Center. Bring a dessert to share so we can have a small celebration to kick off our next year in scouting.

PRIOR TO THE MEETING: review the schedule below and determine what job/jobs most interest you

COME TO THE MEETING: ready to learn more about scouting, to sign up to do your part

BRING: your calendar and a dessert to share (more…)

Eat well and support Troop 64 at the Portola Valley Town Picnic, Saturday June 4

picnic 2015Sure, you’ve had hamburgers before…but have you ever tasted a Boy Scout Troop 64 Draeger’s Market Tillamook Cheddar Burger?

Saturday, June 4, at the Portola Valley Town Picnic held at the Town Center from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Scouts can get more details on our calendar page.

The picnic will kick off with the Zots to Tots foot and bicycle race at 10am, then the fun begins (see below for schedule of events! Our troop is the only concession booth to provide lunch for the picnic.  It is a lot of fun to participate and for the new families, a great way to get to know the other scouts and their families.

There will be activities such as Jumpies, Carnival, Balloon Man and Games for the kids, a Music Band, Girl Scout Cake Walk, Sno Cones, Popcorn and Cotton Candy. The weather will be perfect…it’s your chance to lose yourself in Scout cuisine. We’ll have something for every palate: Draeger’s Burgers, Cheeseburgers, Turkey Burgers, Veggie Burgers and Schwarz Hot Dogs. This is our annual fundraiser, so please come out and support our scouts.

Volunteers and scouts: sign up here to help.



Join us at Trail to 1st Class at Boulder Creek, April 22-24

BoulderLogoBoulder creek offers a close by camp, a great trail to hike, nature, camping nights, cooking merit Badge items, animals and plants to id. Please sign up and offer to teach:  Totin Chip, Fire man chip, Cooking supervision, Camp set up, Navigation, knots, Flag protocol.

Scouts we need your help, knowledge and energy to teach our younger Scouts and new Scouts. Please sign up here!   Boulder Creek is close by and you can join us for Friday, Saturday or both nights.


Service Project: Annual Broom Pull, Sunday, March 20

french_broomCome spend a morning pulling invasive French broom along Portola Valley Roads. Meet at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, March 20 at the Historic Schoolhouse, Portola Valley Town Center, 765 Portola Road. Wear long sleeves and gloves. Tools and refreshments will be provided.  Scouts can earn 3 service hours for their efforts helping keep this invasive plants out of their community.


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